Friday, December 31, 2010

typical end-of-the-year post

This thing has been a diary of sorts, since most of what I write is really personal. These 365 days have been insane for lack of a better word (or description for that matter). My January was fun; I had nothing but it was fun. Soon everything began to wind up really tight and somewhere along spring, it snapped.

It was like a really lame roller-coaster, those kiddy ones at the carnivals that don't do much but go up and down. It was stupid. I was upset by silly things, I committed stupider mistakes which were no less than "justified" at the time. I learned so much.

Summer came, along with it, your typical romance.

By fall, I realized that I wasn't doing much with my life. Nothing, would never lead me to success. It's not that I was a bad person but I had no drive for myself. The change felt as if it only took 12 hours. I woke up one day and said, "enough is enough" and did what I felt was needed.

I grew up this year, from 21 to 22. I'm an adult, seriously an adult, with responsibilities and bills. I go to school and have a pretty decent job. I pay for my own things, take my classes, do most of my homework. My first quarter at MIU should have been better but it's all based on learning. I know next quarter I'll have to dedicate some more time if I really want to stand out from the crowd.

I know what tune ups are necessary and this time around it will be that much better. 2011 holds great things for me and I KNOW IT.

All I have to do is wake up tomorrow morning and live life to it's fullest.

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